Stay close to the people that matter to you with reliable voice, video calling, and private messaging across iOS and Android devices.
Catch up with your friends and family with a voice call, or talk face-to-face with one-on-one and group video calls—they’re always free* and unlimited.
*when you call using WiFi or a data package
With screen sharing, call scheduling, and call links, connecting and collaborating real time has never been easier.
Plan and get creative together over a shared screen during video calls.
Create an Event to set up a meeting time that works for everyone’s schedules—so no one misses out.
Invite anyone on WhatsApp to join your call by sending them the call link.
WhatsApp is used by over two billion people in more than 180 countries. Whoever you need to reach, they’re probably on WhatsApp.
Stay connected anytime, anywhere on your preferred device.
Use WhatsApp web or our desktop apps to chat or call on your computer, even when your phone is off!
Securely transfer your WhatsApp chat history across Android and iOS.
Use WhatsApp on Ray-Ban Stories to stay connected in more ways.
Stay connected in even more ways using WhatsApp, from private calls to secure group video calls, plus everyday updates with Status, and more.